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How to change the ip address for a domain from the java program itself?

we manually do the host entries to redirect a URL to a particular IP, Is there any way to do that in the automation script itself(in JAVA)? So it points to a particular IP without every time changing the host entries manually from the system hosts file.

You can use BrowserMob-Proxy to fake IP addresses on the fly. You need to add your custom domain resolver like shown here:

browserMobProxy.setHostNameResolver(new NativeResolver(){
    public Collection<InetAddress> resolve(String originalHost) {
            try {
                return Arrays
                                new InetAddress[]{
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        return super.resolve(originalHost);

In this example you override the IP for one particular domain name. In this post you can find more insight on the issue.

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