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How to run Unit Test in Python Idle?

I created a python unit test for my word occurence Gui project, I want to test the occurrence of the top 5 words so it should return a true value however I can't figure out how to run the unit test? I'm trying to use idle shell but should I use the visual studio command prompt instead or is the problem with my unit test not being set up properly? I'll display the code below in case you need it for the task:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
from collections import Counter
from tkinter import messagebox
import collections
import unittest 

# Initialize the dictionary
wordcount = {}

#Unit Test
class TestWordCount(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_count_words(self):
        n_print = 5
        expected_result = {
            'the' : 731,
            'and' : 565,
            'to' : 379,
            'of' : 342,
            'i' : 313

        counter = n_print(int)
        result = counter.count_words()
        assert len(result) == len(expected_result)
        assert result == expected_result

#open Macbeth text file
file = open('Macbeth Entire Play.txt', encoding="utf8")
a= file.read()

class Application(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        super().__init__()  # Call __init__() method in parent (tk.Frame)
        self.label = tk.Button(self, text='How many words to Sort?', command=self.ask_count)
        self.open_btn = tk.Button(text='Compute', command=self.ask_count)
        self.exit_btn = tk.Button(text='Exit', command=master.destroy)

    def ask_count(self):
        with open('Macbeth Entire Play.txt', encoding="utf8") as file:
            self.file_text = file.read()
        for word in a.lower().split():
          word = word.replace(".","")
          word = word.replace(",","")
          word = word.replace(":","")
          word = word.replace("\"","")
          word = word.replace("!","")
          word = word.replace("“","")
          word = word.replace("‘","")
          word = word.replace("*","")
          if word not in wordcount:
              wordcount[word] = 1
              wordcount[word] += 1
        n_print = int(input("How many most common words are: "))
        print("\nThe {} most common words are as follows\n".format(n_print))
        word_counter = collections.Counter(wordcount)
        for word, count in word_counter.most_common(n_print):
          print(word, ": ", count)
        messagebox.showinfo("Top words...", "The top words are: \n" + "\n".join([(str(word)+": "+str(count)) for word, count in word_counter.most_common(n_print)]))

        # Close the file
        messagebox.showinfo("The top words are: ")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Count words")
    app = Application(root)
    app.pack(expand=True, fill='both')
    #run unit test

Disclaimer: This does not answer your question. It's merely an example of how to use the unittest module programmatically as opposed to from the command-line and capture its output (although not from IDLE and/or as part of a Tkinter application). However both of these things (running the test from with another it and capturing the results) would be necessary lly in your Tkinter application.)

The code being tested does several things very similar to what you have in your question.

Which is, namely, to count the words in a text file two different ways — there's actually two separate tests involved — one uses a collections.Counter dictionary subclass and the other does to the same thing is done "manually". Afterwards the results of each are compared to the expected results.

Here's the contents the very simple test file used for testing:

Here's one line
And another line
And another line make three

And here's the code:

import collections
from io import StringIO
import unittest

class TestWordCounts(unittest.TestCase):
    TEST_FILENAME = './sample_e_input.txt'
    EXPECTED_RESULT = {"heres": 1,
                       'one': 1,
                       'line': 3,
                       'and': 2,
                       'another': 2,
                       'make': 1,
                       'three': 1}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def test_collections_counter(self):
        ''' Count words collections.Counter. '''
        counter = collections.Counter((word for word in self.clean_text.split()))
        self.assertEqual(len(counter), len(self.EXPECTED_RESULT))
        self.assertEqual(counter, self.EXPECTED_RESULT)
        print('test_collections_counter passed')

    def test_manual_count(self):
        ''' Count words manually. '''
        word_counts = self.count_words(self.clean_text)
        self.assertEqual(len(word_counts), len(self.EXPECTED_RESULT))
        self.assertEqual(word_counts, self.EXPECTED_RESULT)
        print('test_manual_count passed')

    def get_text(self):
        ''' Read test file then convert to lowercase and remove punctuation. '''
        with open(self.TEST_FILENAME, encoding="utf8") as file:
            text = file.read()

        cleaned = text.lower()
        for substring in '. , : " \' ! *'.split():
            cleaned = cleaned.replace(substring, "")
        self.clean_text = cleaned

    def count_words(self, file_text):
        wordcount = collections.defaultdict(int)
        for word in file_text.split():
            wordcount[word] += 1
        return dict(wordcount)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Run unit test, capture output, and then print it.
    output = StringIO()
    tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestWordCounts)
    test_result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=output).run(tests)
    print(output.getvalue())  # Print captured output from running test.

Output printed:

test_collections_counter passed
test_manual_count passed
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s


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