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How to persist chat messages in React?

In a chat application built in React, my intention is store the chat messages in localStorage. Following is the code for your reference

const [textMessages, setTextMessages] = useState([]);
const [textValue, setTextValue] = useState('')

useEffect(() => {
        localStorage.getItem('messages') // Doesn't load the stored data
      }, []);

const sendMessage = (e) => {
        if (textValue != "") {

          const newData = []
          newData.push([...textMessages, textValue])
          setTextMessages([...textMessages, textValue]);
          localStorage.setItem('messages', JSON.stringify(newData))


        } else {

return (
<button type="submit" onClick={sendMessage}>
            Send Message

What could be the best solution? Here is the codesandbox link: https://codesandbox.io/s/upbeat-montalcini-bpdsp

You need to parse the JSON string back into an array, and set your state:

useEffect(() => {
    const savedMessages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('messages'))
    if (savedMessages !== null) {
}, []);

Other things that are worth thinking about but I won't include in the simple example:

  • Consider wrapping the JSON.parse() in a try-catch, just in case the user has modified their local storage and it is now invalid JSON.
  • Having the local storage key stored as a const prevents typos when setting/getting the item from multiple places (Eg const storageKey='messages'; localStorage.getItem(storageKey) )

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