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Insufficient permissions for local file change in strapi docker

I tried to install strapi with PostgreSQL from its official doc , I changed the name for mounted volumes in YAML file and keep all the rest the same as the given one in the doc.

based on strapi PostgreSQL docker-compose.yaml file see original

version: '3'
    image: strapi/strapi
    # totally the same as doc
      - ./backend:/srv/app
    # totally the same as doc

    image: postgres
    # totally the same as doc
      - ./database:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Then I pulled the latest image, and run them all, and it worked. The folder structure now has all needed files and all functionalities are working in GUI provided in http://localhost:1337/admin/ and I could make the first content type.

  \\ all_strapi_files + node_modules

But the problem is that I can't add additional changes to files inside my editor(vscode).

I face the following error on every try for saving file changes

Failed to save 'files': Insufficient permissions. Select 'Retry as Sudo' to retry as superuser.

Also, I can not set up the yarn workspace properly, cause it doesn't have an access to remove backend/node_modules . Git commands are not permitted either

 git clean -f -- something

> failed to remove something: Permission denied

I can save every file by sudo which vscode provides, but I guess I ruined something or there is some extra thing to setup. I'm not an expert in docker and strapi, so sorry for not mentioning all content that might be needed.

This docker-compose configuration isn't good when you have changed inside a container with mount bind. Scenarios like that it's better to use docker volume .

    image: postgres
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data


How are you change Strapi with VSCode? My question is because most container images are configured to run with the root user, if possible when you are development to change outside the container and copy it to inside.

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