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Async generator class stuck on infinite loop javascript

I'm trying to get the following async generator to work:

class MyIterator {
  constructor(m) {
    this.collection = m;

   async *[Symbol.iterator]() {
      for (let item of this.collection) {
        const resultItem = await Promise.resolve(item)
        console.log("item: ", resultItem)
        yield resultItem
(async () => {
  const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
  let times = 0
  for await (let thing of iterator) {
    console.log("thing: ", thing)

    // this is here to avoid an infinite loop
    if (times > 1000) break

But it ends up in an infinite loop, and thing is always undefined.

item: 1
thing: undefined
item: 2
thing: undefined
item: 3
thing: undefined (x999)

I've tried a similar code, but this time without the Promise/async behaviour, and it seems to work just fine.

class MyIterator {
  constructor(m) {
    this.collection = m;

   *[Symbol.iterator]() {
      for (let item of this.collection) {
        console.log("item: ", item)
        yield item

const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
for (let thing of iterator) {
  console.log("thing: ", thing)
item: 1
thing: 1
item: 2
thing: 2
item: 3
thing: 3

The for await..of construct will attempt to iterate over an async iterator.

An async iterator is defined using the @@asyncIterator well-known symbol :

 class MyIterator { constructor(m) { this.collection = m; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { //<-- this is async for (let item of this.collection) { const resultItem = await Promise.resolve(item) //console.log("item: ", resultItem) yield resultItem } } } (async () => { const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3]) let times = 0 for await (let thing of iterator) { //no infinite loop console.log("thing: ", thing) } })()

for await..of can also consume plain iterables that produce promises:

 const promiseArray = [Promise.resolve("a"), Promise.resolve("b"), Promise.resolve("c")]; (async function() { for await(const item of promiseArray) { console.log(item); } })()

Attempting to make a regular iterator that is an async method/function does not work.

If you want to keep your @@iterator defined method your the best choice is to make it produce promises instead:

 class MyIterator { constructor(m) { this.collection = m; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { // not async for (let item of this.collection) { yield Promise.resolve(item); //produce a promise } } } (async () => { const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3]) let times = 0 for await (let thing of iterator) { console.log("thing: ", thing) } })()

Although, that's might be a bad practice if any of the promises rejects:

 const wait = (ms, val) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms, val)); const fail = (ms, val) => new Promise((_, rej) => setTimeout(rej, ms, val)); const arr = [ wait(100, 1), wait(150, 2), fail(0, "boom"), wait(200, 3) ]; (async function(){ try { for await (const item of arr) { console.log(item); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } })() /* result in the browser console: Uncaught (in promise) boom 1 2 boom */


However, be aware that there is a difference in semantics between these:

  • A regular iterator produces an IteratorResult - an object with value and done properties.

 const syncIterable = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return { next() { return {value: 1, done: true} } } } } const syncIterator = syncIterable[Symbol.iterator](); console.log("sync IteratorResult", syncIterator.next());

  • An async generator produces a promise for an IteratorResult

 const asyncIterable = { [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return { next() { return Promise.resolve({value: 2, done: true}); } } } } const asyncIterator = asyncIterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); asyncIterator.next().then(result => console.log("async IteratorResult", result));

  • Finally, an iterator that produces promises will have an IteratorResult where value is a promise:

 const promiseSyncIterable = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return { next() { return {value: Promise.resolve(3), done: true} } } } } const promiseSyncIterator = promiseSyncIterable[Symbol.iterator](); const syncPromiseIteratorResult = promiseSyncIterator.next(); console.log("sync IteratorResult with promise", syncPromiseIteratorResult); syncPromiseIteratorResult.value.then(value => console.log("value of sync IteratorResult with promise", value));

Side-note on nomenclature: MyIterator is not an iterator. An iterator is an object with a next() method which produces an IteratorResult. An object that you can iterate over has an @@iterator (or @@asyncIterable ) method and it is called iterable (or async iterable respectively).

As @VLAZ pointed out in a comment to my question, I was using Symbol.iterator instead of Symbol.asyncIterator . The following implementation works as expected:

class MyIterator {
  constructor(m) {
    this.collection = m;

   async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
      for (let item of this.collection) {
        const resultItem = await Promise.resolve(item)
        console.log("item: ", resultItem)
        yield resultItem
(async () => {
  const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
  for await (let thing of iterator) {
    console.log("thing: ", thing)

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