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RDS connectivity in Python using Boto3 and IAM Role

I am trying to connect to my RDS MySQL DB via Python. I am using the Boto3 library. The issue that I am facing is while trying to connect to the DB via the IAM Token generation method. I don't have a user created in IAM but have a role created and assigned.

When I try to connect to the DB, the code fails as it's expecting to have a key-pair stored in the.aws/configuration file. Snippet below.

# gets the credentials from .aws/credentials
# session = boto3.Session(profile_name='xyz')
client = boto3.client('rds',region_name='eu-west-2')

token = client.generate_db_auth_token(DBHostname=ENDPOINT, Port=PORT, DBUsername=USR,Region='eu-west-2')

Getting the below error.

    raise NoCredentialsError
botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials

But since I cannot use an IAM user and a role cannot have a key-pair attached to it, I am not sure how to execute this and get this done. Any suggestions would be useful. Thanks.

I dont have a user created in IAM but have a role created and assigned.

If you have only IAM role for RDS, you still need IAM user or some other role (eg instance role) which can assume ( iam:AssumeRole ) the RDS's role.

Then, you have to use boto3' assume_role to get temp credentials which you can then use to create new boto3 session for your RDS.

You should check the role of your User first. Then, it should be.aws/credentials

cat credential
aws_access_key_id = *****
aws_secret_access_key = ****

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