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Find value in nested tag with Beautiful Soup

I want to extract the price value from a block of html that looks like this:

<div class="price">
    <span class=""><span class="value"></span></span>
    <span class=" list">
      <span class="value">$129.99</span>

I tried price = soup.find("span", {"class": "value"}).contents[1] thinking that would give me the contents of the second span with a class of value however I get an error saying list index out of range

soup.find returns the FIRST matching item. You're thinking of find_all . Or, you could use an XPATH expression like div/span/span[2]/span .

Did you mean this?

price = soup.find_all("span", {"class": "value"})[1].text

Inner span with class='value' is not really children of the first span, so .contents [docs] will not give you desired value. If you want to grab content from upper span tag for some reason, you can use .find_next() to move on to the next tag and grab its content:

price = soup.find("span", {"class": "value"}).find_next().get_text().strip()
# '$129.99'
soup.find("span", {"class": "list"}).find("span", {"class": "value"}).text

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