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Selenium/Java - Unclickable XPATH

I have application to automate and there is a XPATH which is not clickable in the automated test. Appium says it's visible and clickable but test run says: nope.

I have tried but it doesn't work:

@FindBy(how = How.XPATH, using = "//android.view.View[@content-desc=\"Benachrichtigung WIll's Haus Entfernung 0 km Deine Reichweite 0.0 km Zu gehen 0.0 km\"]/android.widget.ImageView[18]")
    public WebElement clickIt;

Is there any other way to click it?

Appium SShot

You received a warning that explains exactly:

Using XPath locators is not recommended and can lead to fragile tests. Ask your development team to provide unique accessibility locators instead!

See similar issue .

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