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How can I make classes implement an interface and print their methods based on a given parameter in Java?

I think this might be a very basic Java question, and I apologize since I'm a beginner, but I want to understand what am I getting wrong here: I'm supposed to create a package, and inside it, I must create the following:

  • an interface with a method (the question says nothing besides it, so I created it empty)
  • 2 classes, A and B, which must implement the method created in said interface and print their own names
  • A third class, C, which must override B's implementation
  • And an Execute method inside the main class. This method must receive a letter as a parameter, no matter if it's capital case or not, and execute the method of the corresponding class (ie if this method receives as a parameter the letter A, it must execute the method belonging to class A)

So far I came up this this, but the code receives the input, and doesn't do anything:


public interface Test {
    public static void testInterface() {



public class Teste {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        class A implements Test {
            public void testInterface() {
        class B implements Test {
            public void testInterface() {
        class C extends B {
            public void testInterface() {
        Scanner inputLetter = new Scanner(System.in);  // Create a Scanner object
        System.out.println("Enter a letter from A to C: ");

        String resLetter = inputLetter.nextLine();  // Read user input
        if (resLetter == "A") {
            A a = new A();
        if (resLetra == "B") {
            B b = new B();
        if (resLetra == "C") {
            C c = new C();



To be quite honest, I may be messing up with the code's structure too, since I'm not too sure of how should I organize it - I didn't create the Execute method because I had a lot of trouble creating classes without the main method, and couldn't put a method inside another, and I want to make it as simple as possible to make it work before I can try bolder things, so any help will be of great value!

You're on a good way. I'll just post some information to get you over your current roadblock.

public interface MyTestInterface {
    void testInterface();

Interfaces will just "announce" a method. This just tells you (and the compiler) that any Class that implements MyTestInterface has to supply a method called testInterface() . Don't make them static, as this would prevent any class implementing the interface from overriding the method.

Put your classes in their own .java file. While you can define a class within a class (so called Inner Class), it has some implications.


public class A implements MyTestInterface {
    public void testInterface() {
        // Objects of Class A do something here


public class MyMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyTestInterface implementedByA = new A();

Since it implements MyTestInterface , an Object of Class A is both an instance of A and an instance of MyTestInterface . This allows you, to declare a variable of type MyTestInterface and assign it an implementation of one implementing class.

And as @Amongalen mentioned: How do I compare strings in Java?

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