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Mapping through local JSON file with large data in react takes some time to load. How to fix it?

I am using react with TypeScript. I am mapping through a JSON file in react. It takes a second to render all the data in the browser. I'm using functional components. Here is the code. Please help me optimize the render time in the browser.

import users from "../data/users.json";

const Users:React.FC=() => {

  const displayUsers=users.map((item){
    <p> {item.username} </p>
    <p> {item.location} </p>
    <img src={item.avatar}/> 

    <div className='container'>
     <div className='user'>

Issue: With your current implementation, users.map will be executed at each render of the component.

You can optimize it using useMemo hook:

import users from "../data/users.json";
const Users:React.FC = () => {

  const mappedUsers = useMemo(() => {
    return users.map((item) => {
      return( <>
        <p> {item.username} </p>
        <p> {item.location} </p>
        <img src={item.avatar}/> 
      </> )
  }, [])
    <div className='container'>
      <div className='user'>

Now the map function will be called only once when component mounts.

If you want to re-calculate the data using map based on some dependency change, you can put it in dependency array [] of useMemo .

If users data is comping through props of some parent component, you can use React.memo to avoid re-rendering of (this) child component when props are same. Here is a related post with demo for React.memo .

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