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kernel mod allocate memory

i developing kervel driver and dell communicating with each other. try to make a snapshot function and walk function

my struct is

struct SM_MSI {
  wchar_t* Name;
  SIZE_T Size;
  uintptr_t Address;

in my snapshot function i do this.

        ModulesList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(SM_MSI) * index);
        if (ModulesList == NULL) // check memory is allocated or not.
            return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
        index = 0;
        for (PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)((PPEB_LDR_DATA)pPeb->Ldr)->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink;
            pListEntry != &((PPEB_LDR_DATA)pPeb->Ldr)->InLoadOrderModuleList; pListEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)pListEntry->Flink)
            if (pEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer > 0 && pEntry->BaseDllName.Length < 256) {
                ModulesListCount = ModulesListCount + 1;

                SM_MSI temp = { 0 };
                temp.Name = (wchar_t*)ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(wchar_t) * 256);
                if (temp.Name != NULL)
                    wcscpy_s(temp.Name, 256, pEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer);

                temp.Size = pEntry->SizeOfImage;
                temp.Address = (uintptr_t)pEntry->DllBase;

                memcpy((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)ModulesList + ((index++) * sizeof(SM_MSI))), &temp, sizeof(SM_MSI));

in my walk function i do this

NTSTATUS ProcModulesWalk(OUT SM_MSI* module_sys_info) {
  if (ModulesListCount == 0)

  memcpy(module_sys_info, (SM_MSI*)((ULONG_PTR)ModulesList) + ModulesListIndex++, sizeof(SM_MSI));

  if (ModulesListIndex >= ModulesListCount) {
      ModulesListCount = 0;
      ModulesListIndex = 0;

      ExFreePool(ModulesList); // free memory 
      DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "free memory\n");

when i use this functions in my driver entry(when the driver load) all work good. but when i call it from the dll all "word fine" only for 2 seconds and then i get blue screen.

when i try to remove the Name variable from the SM_MSI struct all work perfect.?! so i understand the problem is the "wchar_t* Name" but i need this name so any idea what to do?

OK GUYS i solved it i forgat to alloc memory before i send it to the dll and then to driver.

You are trying to request your driver to find the base address and size of a module in a process given the module name. The solution is to not use a driver at all, and simply call EnumProcessModules. If the process you are trying to access has special protection, you shouldn't be tampering with it anyways; that would result in undefined behaviour.

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