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Playwright - Find multiple elements or class names

I have read a few different QAs related to this but none seem to be working.

I am trying to target an element (Angular) called mat-radio-button with a class called mat-radio-checked. And then select the inner text.

In Chrome this is easy:



To find the first element that matches in Playwright I can do something like:

      let test: any = await page.textContent(


But if I try this:

      let test: any = await page.$$(


It does not return an array of elements I can select the inner text of.

I need to be able to find all elements with that class so I can use expect to ensure the returned inner text is correct, eg:

    expect(test).toBe("Australian Citizen");

I found out the issue was due to the page generating beforehand and the elements were not available. So I added a waitForSelector:

await page.waitForSelector("mat-radio-button");

const elements = await page.$$("mat-radio-button.mat-radio-checked");
console.log(await elements[0].innerText());
console.log(await elements[1].innerText());
console.log(await elements[2].innerText());
  public async validListOfItems(name) {
  await this.page.waitForSelector(name, {timeout: 5000});
  const itemlists = await this.page.$$(name);

  let allitems: string[]=new Array();

    for await (const itemlist of itemlists) {
        allitems.push(await itemlist.innerText());
  return allitems;

Make a common method and call by sending parameters.

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