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Make ++o++ complain for types with user defined pre- and postfix increment operators

I'm looking for a way to prevent ++x++ from working for types with user defined prefix and postfix increment operators.

For builtin types the result type of the postfix operator is not an lvalue but a prvalue expression and the compilers complain nicely.

The simplest thing i can think of is to return const for the postfix increment operator:

struct S {
    int i_;
    S& operator++() {
        return *this;
    S /*const*/ operator++(int) {
        S result(*this);
        return result;
int main() {
    S s2{0};

Here's a godbolt .

Is this approach flawed?


Thanks to the answers, i found more information here , here and of course on cppreference .

You probably want S& operator++() & and S operator++(int) & . You're missing the & at the end that makes the operators only work on lvalues.

You are looking to make the prefix ++ operator work only on lvalues.

This syntax works since C++11.

S& operator++() & {
//              ^ This & allows only lvalues for *this
    return *this;

Here's a godbolt .

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