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How do I fix @app.route syntax error with Flask?

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello_world():
    return 'Hello from Flask!'

if __name__ == "__main__":

But Python is prompting the following error:

  File "<stdin>", line 2

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I ran your code and it worked for me. There does not seem to be a clear syntax error.

Try saving your file again and clearing your terminal before running it.

Another alternative is running the following in your command prompt before running your code:

set FLASK_APP={name of your file}.py 

In the command prompt it should look something like this:

C:\path\to\app>set FLASK_APP=hello.py

Lastly, you can also try running it by writing the following in your command prompt or terminal instead of using the main() function you have now:

python -m flask run

More details and alternatives here: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/quickstart/

Hope this helps!

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