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Unable to test React propType with custom validator

I'm using jest with react-testing-library to test a component that has a custom prop-types validator. The validator looks like this:

aspectRatio: (props, propName, componentName) => {
    const value = props[propName];
    const cleaned = value
        .replace(/[^0-9:]+/g, ''); // Replace everything but numbers and forward slash.

    // Ensure value is “number/number”.
    const isCorrectFormat = /^\d+:\d+$/.test(cleaned);

    if (!isCorrectFormat) {
        return new Error(`Invalid value format “${value}” supplied to “${propName}” prop in “${componentName}” component. Expected something like “3:2”.`);

My test looks like this:

test('throws error when incorrect aspect ratio format passed', () => {
    expect(() => {
                alt="Hello, picture."

The validator works as expected when rendering a faulty aspectRatio . I get the following error in the console:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid value format “1-1/8” supplied to “aspectRatio” prop in “Picture” component. Expected something like “3:2”.

But when running the above test, I get this message in the terminal:

  ● throws error when incorrect aspect ratio format passed


    Received function did not throw

      81 |          />,
      82 |      );
    > 83 |  }).toThrowError();
         |     ^
      84 |  spy.mockRestore();
      85 | });
      86 |

What am I missing?

Since the propType validator doesn't actually throw , I was able to resolve by testing for console.warn content.

test('throws error when incorrect aspect ratio format passed', () => {
    console.error = jest.fn();
            alt="Hello, picture."
    expect(console.error.mock.calls[0][2]).toBe('Invalid value format “1-1/8” supplied to “aspectRatio” prop in “Picture” component. Expected something like “3:2”.');

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