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Mongoose saves empty object but object is not empty - Nodejs

I'm trying to parse a CSV file (which can contain multiple entries) and store the data directly into my mongoose DB. My code seems to be parsing the data correctly because when I debug and quickwatch the "entity" and "temp" variable, I see the data entries from the CSV. However, when I go to store the objects in the DB, I see empty objects w/ only an autogenerated ID.


author, ownerName, authorID, contactInfo, published, summary
jon doe, bob, 321, jondoe@gmail, 03/17, testing testing testing

Here is my uploadCSV.js file

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const passport = require("passport");
const csvtojson = require("csvtojson");
const router = require("express").Router();
const bookModel= mongoose.model("Book");
const async = require('async');

        .then(csvData => {
            async.eachSeries(csvData,(data,callback) => {
                  let entity = {
                    author: data.author,
                    ownerName: data.ownerName,
                    authorID: data.authorID,
                    contactInfo: data.contactInfo,
                    published: data.published,
                    summary: data.summary

                    bookModel.create({entity}, function(err)
                        if(err) return callback(err);
                        return callback(null);    
                (err) => {
                     if(err) console.log(err); 
                     console.log("books are successfully imported!!!");

Terminal Output

[0]   {
[0]     author: 'jon doe',
[0]     ownerName: 'bob',
[0]     authorID: '123',
[0]     contactInfo: 'jondoe@gmail',
[0]     published: '03/17',
[0]     summary: 'testing testing testing',
[0]   }

As of now, the CSV file is local but eventually, it will be from a user that is uploading it from the frontend. Even though the entity variable has the right data, it isn't saving properly. If someone could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated!

You haven't defined schema for your mongoose model, so it will let you insert anything in the database as the schema is empty.


The strict option, (enabled by default), ensures that values passed to our model constructor that was not specified in our schema do not get saved to the db.

Create your mongoose schema for the model


const bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    author: String,
    ownerName: String,
    // ........ rest of your model properties
const bookModel= mongoose.model("Book", bookSchema);


bookModel.create({entity}, function(err)


bookModel.create(entity, function(err)

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