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Replace one column of a dataframe's values with another

I am working with a table like this: unique IDs might have 1 entry or they might have many entries.

ID Start Stop Days
101 1/1/2021 1/31/2021 270
101 2/1/2020 3/31/2020 270
102 1/1/2021 3/29/2020 208
102 3/30/2020 3/31/2020 208
103 1/1/2020 3/31/2020 210
104 1/1/2020 1/2/2020 130
104 1/3/2020 3/31/2020 130
105 1/1/2020 3/31/2020 160

I need to replace the number in the days column based off another dataframe, which gives a new Days number for each ID. This dataframe looks like:

ID Days
101 290
102 250
103 215
104 180
105 175

How can I replace the Days column in the first dataframe with the Days information for each ID in the second dataframe? My end result should look thus:

ID Start Stop Days
101 1/1/2021 1/31/2021 290
101 2/1/2020 3/31/2020 290
102 1/1/2021 3/29/2020 250
102 3/30/2020 3/31/2020 250
103 1/1/2020 3/31/2020 215
104 1/1/2020 1/2/2020 180
104 1/3/2020 3/31/2020 180
105 1/1/2020 3/31/2020 175

I tried df.update and converting the second dataframe to a dictionary and using.map but with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



You could try this:

df_1.drop(columns=Days, inplace=True)
final = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='ID')
df_1["Days"] = pd.merge(df_1, df_2, on="ID")["Days_y"]


    ID      Start       Stop  Days
0  101   1/1/2021  1/31/2021   290
1  101   2/1/2020  3/31/2020   290
2  102   1/1/2021  3/29/2020   250
3  102  3/30/2020  3/31/2020   250
4  103   1/1/2020  3/31/2020   215
5  104   1/1/2020   1/2/2020   180
6  104   1/3/2020  3/31/2020   180
7  105   1/1/2020  3/31/2020   175

You can also map() the first df's ID with the second df's Days :

df1.Days = df1.ID.map(df2.set_index('ID').Days)

#          Start       Stop  Days
# ID                             
# 101   1/1/2021  1/31/2021   290
# 101   2/1/2020  3/31/2020   290
# 102   1/1/2021  3/29/2020   250
# 102  3/30/2020  3/31/2020   250
# 103   1/1/2020  3/31/2020   215
# 104   1/1/2020   1/2/2020   180
# 104   1/3/2020  3/31/2020   180
# 105   1/1/2020  3/31/2020   175

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