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Vue.js - Infinite update loop in a component render function

I made a small modification in my vue code, to dynamically order my select option:

<option v-for="field in orderByLabels(field.values)" v-bind:value="field.id">
  {{ field.label }}
methods: {
    orderByLabels: function (dropdown_values) {
      dropdown_values = dropdown_values.sort(function(a, b) {
        return (a.label > b.label) ? 1 : ((b.label > a.label) ? -1 : 0)
      return dropdown_values;

This works on my interface, but the console returns me the following error:

[Vue warn]: You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function.

Well, I have no experience with Vue.js if anyone can help me. Thanks!!

Try not to use methods to render parts of your template. They execute for ever single render cycle. See https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html#Computed-Caching-vs-Methods

Instead, use a computed property and avoid overwriting your field data property in the v-for loop

computed: {
  fieldsByLabel () {
    // use spread syntax to make a copy so you don't mutate the source array
    return [...this.field.values].sort((a, b) =>
<option v-for="opt in fieldsByLabel" :value="opt.id">
  {{ opt.label }}

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