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Wrap text in a javascript variable

I have a text variable and I need to wrap the text:

My code:

var text = "Test test test test test test";
            function typing(){
                    document.getElementById("text").innerHTML += text.charAt(i);

How can I wrap this text? I print i with an innerHTML , but I need to wrap the text like br in html.

Just use width in css, everything is working out of the box.

I recommend to use setInterval() and clearInterval() when it's done.

 var text = "Test test test test test test"; var i = 0; function typing(){ if (i<text.length) { document.getElementById("text").innerHTML += text.charAt(i); i++; setTimeout(typing,50); } } typing();
 #text{ width: 5em; }
 <div id="text"/>

Adding the <br> tag after X number of chars:

 const text = 'Text text text text text text text' const maxchars = 12; let i = 0; function typing(){ if (i < text.length) { const char = text.charAt(i); let addChar = char; // Breaks the text at the max length of chars if ((i % maxchars) === maxchars -1) { addChar += '<br>'; } // Getting the element that has the id text const element = document.getElementById("text") // Adding the char to the element element.innerHTML += addChar; i++; setTimeout(typing,50); } } typing();
 <p id='text'></p>

However I do recommend creating some extra logic that will look up the previous space and break there for not words breaking halfway in.

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