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How to get a List type with type arguments in Java annotation processor

Let's say I have a property

class Foo {
    var bar: List<String> = emptyList()

And I'm writing an annotation processor for the code above:

class AnnotationProcessor : AbstractProcessor() {

    override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(...)

    override fun process(annotations: MutableSet<out TypeElement>?, roundEnv: RoundEnvironment?
): Boolean {

        val barPropType: TypeMirror = (roundEnv!!.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Command::class.java) as TypeElement)

        return true

I want to now verify that the type of the property is assignable from List<String>

A solution I was able to find is to use the isAssignable method avaliable in TypeUtils , but in order to do that I would need an instance of TypeMirror for List, which I was not able to find a way to do. I can get an instance of List and perform an erasure to obtain a TypeMirror of raw type, which will not help me though as it is assignable to any List<> , a List<Integer> for example:

val listType = processingEnv.elementUtils.getTypeElement(List::class.java.name).asType()

println((listType as DeclaredType).typeArguments) // E

println(processingEnv.typeUtils.isAssignable(barPropType, listType)) // false

        println(processingEnv.typeUtils.isAssignable( // true, but also true when barPropType is List<Integer>

This talk proposes a following solution:

   * Get the type parameter for a {@link Collection}.
   * @param type a parameterized collection type
   * @return the type of elements in the collection
  private DeclaredType getCollectionType(TypeMirror type) {
    if (type != null && typeUtils().isAssignable(type, collectionType.type)) {
      // This is a bit of a hack; to work properly, we should walk up the inheritance hierarchy, tracking type
      // parameters as we go. For example, if the type in question is StringList, which implements List<String>,
      // then this code would not work.
      List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) type).getTypeArguments();
      return (DeclaredType) typeArguments.get(0);
    return null;

full code

For my project, I would need that "proper" solution, but I don't know how to implement it. I've done something like this:

fun TypeElement.allSuperInterfaces(env: ProcessingEnvironment): List<TypeMirror> {
    val result: MutableList<TypeMirror> = mutableListOf(this.asType())

    var toCheckFurther = interfaces
    while(toCheckFurther.isNotEmpty()) {

        toCheckFurther = toCheckFurther
            .mapNotNull { env.typeUtils.asElement(it) as? TypeElement }
            .flatMap { it.interfaces }



    return result;

The problem with this is that during conversion from the TypeMirror to TypeElement information about the actual type argument is lost:

((barPropType as DeclaredType).asElement() as TypeElement)



But at the same time it seems like this conversion needs to take place as there is no way of obtaining the implemented interfaces from the TypeMirror (at least that I am aware of).

What is the proper way to implement this solution involving walking up the inheritance hierarchy?

You need to override AbstractProcessor init-Method . There you will get "processingEnv" parameter which you can use to initilaize TypeMirror for List-class, which you can use later with isAssignable .

In java it will looks like that:

public final class MyProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {

    private TypeMirror listTM;

    @Override public void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) {
        listTM = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(List.class.getName()).asType();

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