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Does dartpad not support I/O?

Recently I was trying out some code snippets from "Dart For Absolute Beginners" on DartPad. Specifically:

import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:io';

void main() 
    int guess;
    Random rand = new Random(); //create a random number generator
    int answer = rand.nextInt(100); //gets a random integer from 0 to 99
        print("Enter your guess:");
        String temp = stdin.readLineSync(); //read in from the keyboard
        guess = int.parse(temp); //convert String to integer
        if (guess < answer)  
            print("Too low!");
        else if (guess > answer)  
            print("Too high!");
    while (guess != answer);
    print("You got it!");

However upon running, it shows the error "Error compiling to JavaScript: unsupported import: dart:io"

So my question is

Is it that we can't run I/O operations on DartPad and we need a full fledge editor for that? or is there something else wrong??

The dart:io library is not supported in DartPad. However you can use this Dart compiler, it supports dart:io .

As noted in the dart:io documentation :

Important: Browser-based apps can't use this library. Only the following can import and use the dart:io library:

  • Servers
  • Command-line scripts
  • Flutter mobile apps
  • Flutter desktop apps

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