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Changing CSS of elements of the same class onmouseover, depending on each element's id

I am trying to have an external (not inline) JavaScript code to handle multiple elements depending on their class and id.

My goal is that if an element is of a certain class, its' CSS will change depending on its' id name when it is hovered over.

In this example:

<p class="p-class" id="000">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="FFF">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="FFFF66">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="498F83">Hi</p>

My goal is to get this:

<p class="p-class" id="000" style="color:#000">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="FFF" style="color:#FFF">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="FFFF66" style="color:#FFFF66">Hi</p>
<p class="p-class" id="498F83" style="color:#498F83">Hi</p>

I thought about something in this direction:

const pElements = document.querySelectorAll('.p-class');
for (let i = 0; i < pElements .length; i++) {
  pElements[i].addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
    pElements[i].style.color = `#${pElements[i].getAttribute('id')`;

But , I am relatively new to this and I don't know if the above code is valid or how to properly trigger it.

Any insights/suggestions will be highly appreciated!

The easiest way would be to avoid using an id , and instead use a CSS custom-property, for example --hoverColor :

 /* The default styling for the element(s): */.p-class { color: #000; background-color: silver; } /* The styles for the:hover pseudo-class/interaction: */.p-class:hover { /* the var() retrieves the named custom-property from the closest ancestor element upon which it's defined. Here this is specified in the inline 'style' attribute for the.p-class elements: */ color: var(--hoverColor); }
 <p class="p-class" style="--hoverColor: #000">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" style="--hoverColor: #FFF">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" style="--hoverColor: #FFFF66">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" style="--hoverColor: #498F83">Hi</p>

However, given your own code as posted in the question that could be made to work relatively easily, like so:

 const pElements = document.querySelectorAll('.p-class'), toggle = (event) => { // retrieves the element node to which the event // was bound: const target = event.currentTarget; // if the event is mouseenter (so the user is // hovering over the element): if (event.type === 'mouseenter') { // we update the color of the element // according to the color held in the 'id' // attribute, using a template-string to // interpolate that value into the string // to form a valid hexadecimal colour: target.style.color = `#${target.id}`; } else { // if the event is of any type other than // mouseenter, we unset the colour by setting // the colour to an empty string (an invalid // value) causing the style-rule to be discarded: target.style.color = ''; } }; // using NodeList.prototype.forEach() to iterate over the // NodeList using an Arrow function: pElements.forEach( // para is a reference to each of the element Nodes of // the NodeList over which we're iterating: (para) => { // here we bind a named function to handle // the mouseenter/mouseleave (hover/unhover) // events; in order to avoid duplicating the // anonymous function: // to handle the mouseenter: para.addEventListener('mouseenter', toggle); // to handle the mouseleave: para.addEventListener('mouseleave', toggle); });
 .p-class { color: #000; background-color: silver; }
 <p class="p-class" id="000">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="FFF">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="FFFF66">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="498F83">Hi</p>


 Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.p-class')).forEach( p_element => { const OriginalColor = p_element.style.color; p_element.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => { p_element.style.color = '#' + p_element.id }); p_element.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => { p_element.style.color = OriginalColor }); });
 .p-class { background-color: lightgrey; }
 <p class="p-class" id="000">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="FFF">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="FFFF66">Hi</p> <p class="p-class" id="498F83">Hi</p>

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