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How exclude java source files from Ant generated war?

im using Ant to create a war for my web app. I have a script similar to this:

<target name="createWar"  depends="init" description="Crea el war final">
    <war destfile = "myapp.war" webxml = "${webApp}/WEB-INF/web.xml" >
        <fileset dir = "${webApp}">
            <include name = "**/*.*"/>
            <exclude name="**/.git/"/>
            <exclude name="WEB-INF/work/"/>
            <exclude name="WEB-INF/tmp/"/>
            <exclude name="build.properties"/>
            <exclude name="build.properties.base"/>
            <exclude name="build.xml"/>
            <exclude name="**/.settings"/>
            <exclude name=".proyect"/>
        <lib dir = "${lib}"/>
        <classes dir = "${src}">
            <include name="src/**/*.java"/>
            <include name="conf/**/*.java"/> 

The problem I have is that the resulting war has the source files (.java files) inside the "WEB-INF/classes/src" directory. Is there a way to not include the source files , and only the.class files? Thanks a lot.

If not done so already, change your project so that the javac output is separate from the src tree - say classes.dir=build\classes - then the war can be copied from the generated code directory:

<!-- classes dir = "${src}" -->
<classes dir = "${classes.dir}">
    <!-- include name="src/**/*.java"/ -->
    <!-- include name="conf/**/*.java"/ --> 

However, I find it easier to package all the class files of a project as a JAR first:

<jar basedir="${classes.dir}" jarfile="${lib}/${ant.project.name}.jar" update="true" />

Then if the project is also a WAR project that single jar ${ant.project.name}.jar can be copied inside ${ant.project.name}.war in one step as the path WEB-INF\lib\${ant.project.name}.jar .

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