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BeautifulSoup not show tag <a> in tag <div>

During some tests I did I noticed that the tag a inside the div tag, beautifulsoup automatically "translates" it as text:

<div class='a'>
   <a href='....'>TEXT</a>
   <i .....

When i search div tag with the command find_all('div', {'class': 'a'}) and i try to print the result div.a , bs4 show me value None ... but if i try use print div.text bs4 show only TEXT and not the tag a ).

this is section code:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
data=soup.find_all('div', {'class' : 'a'})    

for div in data:
   print div.a

$ None


UPDATE : just now I've noticed... here's another problem. In the source code there is the tag a ... but now, (seeing the output with prettify) I realized that that tag bs4 makes me see it as a div , when in reality it is a tag a ! Strange!!!


SOLVED I did some cleaning and deleted all packages for requests and urllib3... then i reinstalled everything with apt and now works. The packages versions of requests and urllib3 is (respectively): 2.12.4-1 and 1.19.1-1

I couldn't replicate your problem, but there's a typo in the HTML you're using: clas='a' should be class='a' .

The code I used:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<div class='a'>
   <a href='....'>TEXT</a>
   <i> .....</i>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
data = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'a'})
for div in data:
   print (div.a)

The output I got:

<a href="....">TEXT</a>

The .text will not show the tags, but only the text inside the selected tag and its children. You also need the BeautifulSoup object in order to use the find_all method

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