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ABP Rename API Route in Controller as a Service

Using ABP service as controller, a default route as such will be generated for a TaskService get method: /api/services/app/taskservice/gettask

  1. is it by default that the "service" word will also appear for task service like /taskservice in the route instead of just /task? If it's not, what could be wrong in my setup?

  2. If it is, how can I remove it? Like in controller level, I can have api route as such /api/v1/task/gettask by having data annotation below. Is there something similar in service level (which has module name as well)


The service have to named as "AppService" as the postfix instead of just "Service"

By default, only the following postfixes are removed:

public static string[] CommonPostfixes = { "AppService", "ApplicationService" };

You can do either of these:

  1. Name it TaskAppService .
  2. Configure ApplicationService.CommonPostfixes in your module's PreInitialize method.
ApplicationService.CommonPostfixes = new string[] { "Service", "AppService", "ApplicationService" };


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