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Return False on empty cells when checking if file or directory exists in UDF

Given sample Excel data in the format:

filepath test
C:\file.txt =PERSONAL.XLSB!checkExists(A2)
C:\dir\file.txt TRUE
C:\fake_dir FALSE
C:\fake_dir\file.txt FALSE
  • A1 and A2 are headers
  • The values in A2 and A3 are filepaths that exist
  • A4 is a directory that does not exist
  • A5 is a file that cannot exist because its directory does not exist
  • A6 is blank
  • B2 just shows how I'm calling the formula (it's saved in my PERSONAL.XLSB project container thing)

I want to run the following User-Defined Formula, called checkExists ; this uses DIR to check the value in a given cell to see if that directory or file exists, and returns a boolean.

Public Function checkExists(path As String) As Boolean

'   Check if string is empty
    If (IsEmpty(path) = False) Then

'       Check if file/dir exists
        If ((Dir(path, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) <> vbNullString = False) Then
'           String is not empty, and file/dir exists; return True
            checkExists = True

'           File does not exist; return False
            checkExists = False
        End If
'       String is empty; return False
        checkExists = False
    End If

End Function

I'm struggling with getting it to recognise that a given cell is blank -- such as A6 here. The formula as written returns TRUE here, when I need FALSE .

I realise I'm passing it a String , and there is probably another object type I need to pass it, such as a Range or Variant... but I can't work out how to get those object types to work with my code. I also don't know if using both vbNormal (files) and vbDirectory (directories) is causing an issue. I've looked up calling things like ActiveCell , {Range}.Address , and so on, but I'm stuck.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Check If File or Folder Exist Using Dir

Using Len

Public Function checkExists(fPath As String) As Boolean

'   Check if the length of the string is greater than 0
    If Len(fPath) > 0 Then

'       Check if the length of 'Dir' is greater than 0
        If Len(Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) > 0 Then

'           File/dir exists; return True
            checkExists = True

'           File does not exist; checkExists is False by default
            'checkExists = False
        End If
'       The length of the string is 0; checkExists is False by default
        'checkExists = False
    End If

End Function


Using Len

Public Function checkExistsLen(fPath As String) As Boolean
    If Len(fPath) > 0 Then
        If Len(Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) > 0 Then
            checkExists = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

Using vbNullString or ""

Public Function checkExists(fPath As String) As Boolean
    If fPath <> "" Then
        If Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory) <> "" Then
            checkExists = True
        End If
    End If
End Function

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