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Generic type that accepts types that are implementing Comparable by inheriting it

How to make DataStructure to accept type B without using raw types?

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DataStructure<A> bo = new DataStructure<>();

        //This doesn't compile because of T extends Comparable<T> 
        DataStructure<B> bst = new DataStructure<>();

class DataStructure<T extends Comparable<T>> {

abstract class A implements Comparable<A> {

abstract class B extends A /*implements Comparable<B> - illegal*/ {

I can change DataStructure signature to: class DataStructure<T extends Comparable> but then I get warning about raw type. I can't do class DataStructure<T extends Comparable<? extends T>> class DataStructure<T extends Comparable<? extends T>> because when T == B the ? extends T ? extends T is obviously false.

DataStructure<T extends Comparable<? super T>>

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