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How to check in a ::whereHas query for a certain column value? Laravel

My query has a model "Token" that belongsToMany "App". The model "App" also belongsToMany "Token". Both are connected through a model "AppToken" with a belongsTo "App/Token".

I have a working query that gets me all token that have an app connected. I check the token for active and i need to check if the app is active as well. I'm confused about the query for that. I tried many stuff already, as an example of what i want to achieve, i wrote a not working example code so it's more clear what i mean.

Current query:

$result = Token::whereHas('app')->where('active', 1)->get();

The results are all "active" token that have at least one "active or inactive" app connected.

But i need all "active" token that have at least one "active" app connected. (not working example):

$result = Token::whereHas('app')->where('tokens.active', 1)->where('apps.active', 1)->get();

My models: Token.php

public function app()
    return $this->belongsToMany(App::class, 'app_tokens');


public function tokenlist()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Token::class, 'app_tokens', 'app_id', 'token_id');


protected $fillable = [
    'app_id', 'token_id',

 * Get the app record associated with the app_id.
public function app()
    return $this->belongsTo(App::class);

 * Get the token record associated with the token_id.
public function tokenlist()
    return $this->belongsTo(Token::class);

instead of whereHas() you can try with with() method. It will work for me. The example is written below.


public function app(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\App’)->where(‘active’,1);    


public function token(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\Token’); 


1)If the cap is your column name in the tokens table then you can use orderBy() like this.

$result = Token::with(‘app')->where('active',1)->orderBy(‘cap')->get();


2)If not then use only get().

$result = Token::with(‘app')->where('active',1)->get();

I think i found the answer to my question:)

$result = Token::whereHas('app',function ($q){
                    $q->where('active', 1);
            })->where('active', 1)->get();

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