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The syntax of a concept in C++20

How can we convert the requirements In this question link to a concept

I have attempted the following:

template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
concept MyConditions =
        &&  Tin::value_type
        &&  Tout::value_type
        && std::is_floating_point_v<typename Tin::value_type>
        && std::is_integral_v<typename U::value_type>
        && std::is_floating_point_v<typename Tout::value_type>

This concept is now applied to one of my member functions:

class test_concept
template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
requires MyConditions <U, Tin, Tout>
static void test_routine(const U&, const Tin&, Tout& );

When testing:

std::vector<double> test{ };
std::vector<int> testi{ };
std::vector<double> test2{ };

test_concept::test_routine(testi, test, test2);

Using clang I get the error message that no matching were found, and a note saying:

note: because substituted constraint expression is ill-formed: missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name 'vector<int, allocator >::value_type' U::value_type

You don't need to manually check for the presence of the types. If they're not there, SFINAE will cause your concept to silently return false anyway. So:

template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
concept MyConditions =
    std::is_integral_v<typename T::value_type> &&
    std::is_floating_point_v<typename U::value_type> &&
    std::is_floating_point_v<typename Tout::value_type>;

But if you want to explicitly check for the types, here's the syntax:

template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
concept MyConditions =
        typename U::value_type;
        typename Tin::value_type;
        typename Tout::value_type;
    } &&
    std::is_integral_v<typename T::value_type> &&
    std::is_floating_point_v<typename U::value_type> &&
    std::is_floating_point_v<typename Tout::value_type>;

You can also move all conditions into the requires :

template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
concept MyConditions =
        typename U::value_type;
        typename Tin::value_type;
        typename Tout::value_type;
        requires std::is_integral_v<typename T::value_type>;
        requires std::is_floating_point_v<typename U::value_type>;
        requires std::is_floating_point_v<typename Tout::value_type>;

Also you should prefer the standard concepts to the old traits:

template< typename U, typename Tin, typename Tout>
concept MyConditions =
        typename U::value_type;
        typename Tin::value_type;
        typename Tout::value_type;
        requires std::integral<typename T::value_type>;
        requires std::floating_point<typename U::value_type>;
        requires std::floating_point<typename Tout::value_type>;

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