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Pytest how do i get the mark parameter inside a teardown method?

In my python module i have the following:

def setup_module(module):

def teardown_module(module):
    pass # i want myMarker parameter here

class TestClass:

    @pytest.mark.myMarker('how do i get this?')
    def test_simple(self):

How can i get the marker parameter to the teardown_module?

Put the marker on the class and access it from the module parameter

def setup_module(module):

def teardown_module(module):
    mark = module.TestClass.pytestmark[0]
    print(mark) # Mark(name='myMarker', args=('how do I get this?',), kwargs={})

@pytest.mark.myMarker('how do I get this?')
class TestClass:

    def test_simple(self):

If you want it from the test you can add requests to it and assign it to a global variable, or use self.test_simple for more hardcoded solution without requests

mark = None

def setup_module(module):

def teardown_module(module):
    print(mark) # Mark(name='myMarker', args=('how do I get this?',), kwargs={})

class TestClass:

    @pytest.mark.myMarker('how do I get this?')
    def test_simple(self, request):
        global mark
        test = getattr(self, request.node.name)
        mark = test.pytestmark[0]
        # or
        mark = self.test_simple.pytestmark[0]

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