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JS: return promise from an async function without resolving the promise?

I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, but asking just in case.

Let's say I have a bunch of functions that add to a query builder:

let query = User.query();
query = filterName(query, name);
query = filterLocation(query, location);
const users = await query;

This is fine. However, if I need one of these functions to be async (eg to fetch some data), I can't await the function because it'll resolve the whole query.

async function filterLocation(query, location) {
  const data = await ...;
  return query.where(...);


query = await filterLocation(query, location); // `query` is now resolved to a list of users, but I want it to remain a promise

Is there a way to make JS not resolve the promise returned by filterLocation ? Do I have to wrap it in an object?

await can only be used inside an async function.

Option 1: invoke an async anonymous function


(async function(){
   query = await filterLocation(query, location);

Option 2: use promise API (then)


filterLocation(query, location)
    .then(function (query){

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