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Pytest run only tests with specific marker attribute

I'm using @pytest.mark to uniquely identify specific tests, therefore I created my custom marker.


I'm using it as such:

def test_simple(self):
    assert True

Now from the console I would like to run all tests with the marked key "test-001". How can I achieve this?

What i'm looking for is something like this:


where a test can be mapped to a Jira key. I looked at the source code for the link but i'm unsure how to achieve it in order for me to run specific tests. Say I only wanna run the test with the key "test-001".

Pytest does not provide this out of the box. You can filter by marker names using the -m option, but not by marker attributes .
You can add your own option to filter by keys, however. Here is an example:


def pytest_configure(config):
    # register your new marker to avoid warnings
        "key: specify a test key"

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    # add your new filter option (you can name it whatever you want)
    parser.addoption('--key', action='store')

def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items):
    # check if you got an option like --key=test-001
    filter = config.getoption("--key")
    if filter:
        new_items = []
        for item in items:
            mark = item.get_closest_marker("key")
            if mark and mark.args and mark.args[0] == filter:
                # collect all items that have a key marker with that value
        items[:] = new_items

Now you run something like

pytest --key=test-001

to only run the tests with that marker attribute.

Note that this will still show the overall number of tests as collected, but run only the filtered ones. Here is an example:


import pytest

def test_simple1():

def test_simple2():

def test_simple3():

def test_simple4():

$ python -m pytest -v --key=test-001 test_key.py

collected 4 items

test_key.py::test_simple1 PASSED
test_key.py::test_simple3 PASSED
================================================== 2 passed in 0.26s ==================================================

you can run pytest with -m option c

check below command:

pytest -m 'test-001' <your test file>

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