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i need to do a calcul in an entity with symfony (sonata) like: i have 3 labels in my entity with doctrine and i need to save in database a result of: $calcul = $ a + $b;

here is my entity

class National
     * @var int
    private $id;

     * @var string(unique=true)
    private $selection;
     * @var int
    private $a;
     * @var int
    private $b;
     * @var string
    private $total;

and this is my classic setter and getter

     * Set a
     * @param string $a
     * @return Events
    public function setA($a)
        $this->a = $a;

        return $this;

     * Get a
     * @return string
    public function getA()
        return $this->a;
     * Set b
     * @param string $b
     * @return Events
    public function setB($b)
        $this->b = $b;

        return $this;

so the question is how to do the constructor ???

to have the result in $calcul save in the database

(ex: if i write 5 in label $a et 5 in label $b - i need to have 10 write directly in the label $calcul....)


I do not recommend to do such a thing as persisting calculated data to a database ( 3FN Explanation ).

In a general way you don't want to store a fields which is a result from two or more other fields, as if you need to update one of the original fields, this will also require you to re-calculated a re-store the result at each time, requiring a few more operations each time.

Also, if fore some reason the calcul must change, you'll have to update all of the data which was done with a former calcul. This will become very hard to manage.

If you need to retrieve the results of two or more fields, this should be perform by calling a function where you need it.


Of course, if you still want to do that, or really need it, the way to do it would be:

class National {
   ... // Your fields, getters and setters
   public function calculTotal() {
      $this->total = $this->a + $this->b;
      return $this;

In your controller or service

// Fetch you National entity from repository
// Perform the calcul
// Persist the national entity with the new 'total' fields added to it

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