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Sum expression in report Buildr

I got this expression

=iIF(Isnothing(Fields!Saldo_contable.Value) or (Fields!Saldo_contable.Value)<0,0,Fields!Saldo_contable.Value)

That works fine, I need to sum the result of the whole expression

=sum(iif(Isnothing(Fields!Saldo_contable.Value) or (Fields!Saldo_contable.Value)<0,0,Fields!Saldo_contable.Value)),

i dont get an actual error but the field just show the result: #Error,

What im doing wrong?

If Saldo_contable is not an integer, you need to use CDEC(0) for the zero value (2nd argument) of the IIF.

=SUM(IIF(Isnothing(Fields!Saldo_contable.Value) or (Fields!Saldo_contable.Value) < 0, CDEC(0), Fields!Saldo_contable.Value))

SUMming values like 0 and 2.25 results in a Can't sum different data type error.

Your detail line works because it isn't using SUM - just displaying the values.

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