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TypeScript Arrow function as return in another function in class return problem

look at this code. When i look at console i have something like this:

() => {
            return this.msg;

To be honest its wired for me. One more thing. When i change return this.msg for console.log(this.msg) nothing happend in console. What ma i doing wrong?

class Problemo {
  msg: string = "hello"

  printFunction() {
    var vv = () => {
      return this.msg

    return vv

var pp = new Problemo()
var xx = pp.printFunction()


@Solution. i forgot about brackets console.log(xx())

Your printFunction method declares a function vv that will print this.msg when called, so the value of pp.printFunction() will be a function, which you assign to xx and log to the console. That's why you see the source of the function:

console.log(xx) // outputs: () => { return this.msg; }

If you call xx instead, you will see the message:

console.log(xx()) // outputs: "hello"

TypeScript playground

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