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stream video from AzureBlob in Blazor component Web Server c#

I am working on a feature where I want to stream video from azure blob.video files are already uploaded to azureBlob, I can use the blob URI but my blobs are compressed so I cant stream video directly from the Blob URI. for that reason I fetch the blob from the azure storage, Decompressed it and got the actual memory stream of a video. Now I want to play the video from that stream. I researched out and find out that from JS it can be achieved. but I don't want to use js snippet to run this. is there any balzor web component from which I can achieve this. I have also tried to used blazored.video library from Nuget but still I didn't find that much helpful.

@using Blazored.Video
@using Blazored.Video.Support

@if (File != null)
    <BlazoredVideo class="w-100"
        <source src="@File.FileUri" type="video/mp4" />

I have found a way to achieve this It simply requires me to create a web API that returns the content stream of my video.

I follow this example to handle streaming in my Web API

Asynchronously Streaming Video with.Net Core API from Azure Blob Storage

My work


<BlazoredVideo class="w-100"
    <source src="api/Blob/PlayVideo" type="video/mp4" />

API Endpoint

        public async Task<IActionResult> AnonymousPlayVideoAsync()
                var cloudBlob = await _azureBlobStorageService.RetrieveBlobiAsync("Test.mp4");
             var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await cloudBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(stream);

            //.. Decompression of Stream comes here

            var result= new FileContentResult(stream.ToArray(), "video/mp4");
            result.EnableRangeProcessing = true;           
            return result;

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