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How to get started using NICE DCV SDK

I am trying out the NICE DCV SDK from AWS, documentation linkedhere But I can't figure out how to run the example given on the docs page. I tried running it in a node server but get this error:

ReferenceError: self is not defined

So, it would be fantastic if someone could help me get started with the example .

Edit: I tried simply opening the index.html from a browser as well.

Simply copying the example from the Developer Guide, hence having:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>DCV first connection</title>
        <script type="module" src="main.js"></script>
        <div id="dcv-display"></div>


import "./dcvjs/dcv.js";

let auth,

function onPromptCredentials(auth, challenge) {
    // Let's check if in challenge we have a username and password request
    if (challengeHasField(challenge, "username") && challengeHasField(challenge, "password")) {
        auth.sendCredentials({username: "my_dcv_user", password: "my_password"})
    } else {
        // Challenge is requesting something else...

function challengeHasField(challenge, field) {
    return challenge.requiredCredentials.some(credential => credential.name === field);

function onError(_, error) {
    console.log("Error during the authentication: ", error.message);

// We connect to the first session returned
function onSuccess(_, result) {
    let {sessionId, authToken} = {...result[0]};
    connect(sessionId, authToken);

function connect (sessionId, authToken) {
    console.log(sessionId, authToken);
        url: serverUrl,
        sessionId: sessionId,
        authToken: authToken,
        divId: "dcv-display",
        callbacks: {
            firstFrame: () => console.log("First frame received")
    }).then(function (conn) {
        console.log("Connection established!");
        connection= conn;
    }).catch(function (error) {
        console.log("Connection failed with error " + error.message);

function main () {
    console.log("Setting log level to INFO");
    serverUrl = "https://your-dcv-server-url:port/";
    console.log("Starting authentication with", serverUrl);
    auth = dcv.authenticate(
            promptCredentials: onPromptCredentials,
            error: onError,
            success: onSuccess

console.log("Using NICE DCV Web Client SDK version " + dcv.version.versionStr);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);

changing the username , password and serverUrl , should work in a web environment.

I was also able to serve it from a node.js server set up as in the example here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Node_server_without_framework

We have created a demo of the NICE DCV SDK integration. Please try it or download it from https://www.ni-sp.com/DCVSDK/

Here are the 2 files including the bonus login form and a couple of issues fixed (please adapt the serverUrl in main.js):


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>DCV first connection</title>
        <script type="module" src="main.js"></script>
        <div id="dcv-display"></div>


import "./dcvjs/dcv.js"
let auth,

console.log("Using NICE DCV Web Client SDK version " + dcv.version.versionStr);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main);

function main () {
    console.log("Setting log level to INFO");

    serverUrl = "https://your-dcv-server-url:port/";
    console.log("Starting authentication with", serverUrl);

    auth = dcv.authenticate(
            promptCredentials: onPromptCredentials2,
            error: onError,
            success: onSuccess

function onPromptCredentials(auth, challenge) {
    // Let's check if in challege we have a username and password request
    if (challengeHasField(challenge, "username") && challengeHasField(challenge, "password")) {
        auth.sendCredentials({username: "YOURUSER", password: "YOUR_PW"})
    } else {
        // Challenge is requesting something else...

function challengeHasField(challenge, field) {
    return challenge.requiredCredentials.some(credential => credential.name === field);

function onError(auth, error) {
    console.log("Error during the authentication: ", error.message);

// We connect to the first session returned
function onSuccess(auth, result) {
    let {sessionId, authToken} = {...result[0]};

    connect(sessionId, authToken);

function connect (sessionId, authToken) {
    console.log(sessionId, authToken);

        url: serverUrl,
        sessionId: sessionId,
        authToken: authToken,
        divId: "dcv-display",
        callbacks: {
            firstFrame: () => console.log("First frame received")
    }).then(function (conn) {
        console.log("Connection established!");
        connection= conn;
    }).catch(function (error) {
        console.log("Connection failed with error " + error.message);

function submitCredentials (e) {
    var credentials = {};
    fieldSet.childNodes.forEach(input => credentials[input.id] = input.value);

var fieldSet;

function createLoginForm () {
    var submitButton = document.createElement("button");

    submitButton.type = "submit";
    submitButton.textContent = "Login";

    var form = document.createElement("form");
    fieldSet = document.createElement("fieldset");

    form.onsubmit = submitCredentials;


function addInput (name) {
    var type = name === "password" ? "password" : "text";

    var inputField = document.createElement("input");
    inputField.name = name;
    inputField.id = name;
    inputField.placeholder = name;
    inputField.type = type;

function onPromptCredentials2 (_, credentialsChallenge) {
    credentialsChallenge.requiredCredentials.forEach(challenge => addInput(challenge.name));

If anyone is wondering that Ni-sp site works and not yours. Here is solution:

The web server & DCV Server both needs to have certificate assigned to them when both trust (most probably a internal root CA) and the client connecting to the Web server must have the root certificates so that it can validate the web server and DCV server certificates.

I tested it worked correctly. Without valid certificate you will get the exception "Error during the authentication: Failed to communicate with server dcv.js:2 [authentication] Auth WebSocket connection closed. Code 1006"

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