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Assembler and hex dump change when formatting c++ code

A C++ project I work on does not have consistent indentation. The lead developer told me it might not be safe to reformat the code. I thought it might not matter to the compiled code. As a test I tried reformatting one file using a Formatter based on the Eclipse "GNU [built-in]" Profile. When I recompiled the file the md5sum changed. I did a hexdump of the file and it showed one byte changed. I disassembled the object file. I also compiled with debugging and I got the source code line. I used diff to get the assembly instruction that changed.

The source was this line

        << xmlutils.GetErrorMessage() << endl;

Below is the diff output showing the changed assembly

     23be:  89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)
     23c1:  e8 fc ff ff ff          call   23c2 <_ZN12RerouteAdapt11WriteToFileERKSs+0x64>
     23c6:  e8 fc ff ff ff          call   23c7 <_ZN12RerouteAdapt11WriteToFileERKSs+0x69>
-    23cb:  c7 44 24 04 79 01 00    movl   $0x179,0x4(%esp)
+    23cb:  c7 44 24 04 84 01 00    movl   $0x184,0x4(%esp)
     23d2:  00 
     23d3:  89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)
     23d6:  e8 fc ff ff ff          call   23d7 <_ZN12RerouteAdapt11WriteToFileERKSs+0x79>

The ordering of the headers was not changed by the reformat.

I know some C/C++, but very little about assembly. I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for why the object file would change. I thought the C++ compiler (GCC 4.8.2 on RHEL 7) was indifferent to formatting and white space. There were no differences besides this in the assembly.

Thomas and Tim were correct. The value that changed corresponds to the line number before and after formatting. I assumed "logErr" was just a stream. Turns out it is a macro that uses the __LINE__ macro. So the line number is hard-coded in the assembly.

#define logErr theTracer().SetFuncName(__func__); theTracer().SetFile(__FILE__); theTracer().SetLine(__LINE__); theTracer().SetError(); theTracer()

Thank you for your help.

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