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Flurl post data

I have a processmaker web entry form and want to post data to it.
request should be like this
My code is like this:

var ticket = "https://xxx.yyyy.zzz"
                form = new
                    contract_expert = "xxxxx",
                    vendor_id = "1111",
                    vendor_name = "aaa",
                    contract_number = "bbB",
                    contract_title = "ccc"

The problem is when I call this data with postman data will sit in their place but with flurl everything is empty after submit data. btw postman content-type is multipart/form-data

multipart/form-data ,= JSON, so don't use PostJsonAsync . Use PostMultipartAsync . This is documented here . Here's the relevant change to what you have:

.PostMultipartAsync(mp => mp.AddStringParts(new
    contract_expert = "xxxxx",
    vendor_id = "1111",
    vendor_name = "aaa",
    contract_number = "bbB",
    contract_title = "ccc"

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