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Webpack imports from entry file, not available in dist/index.html

I have imports in index.js

import Vue from 'vue';
import axios from "axios";
import jQuery from "jQuery";
window.Vue = Vue;
var $ = jQuery;


export {$, Vue};

Then in my dist folder i have an index.html loading the main.js file that webpack outputs

   <div id="app">
   <script src="main.js"></script>

Obviously I have access to window.Vue, but why don't I have access to just Vue?

Im new to webpack. Is there something i need to do?

export doesn't implicitly make properties available in the global scope, it allows them to be import ed elsewhere. If you want $ and Vue attached to the window, you need to do that explicitly in index.js .

window.Vue = Vue;
window.$ = $;

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