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How to call a function in a component from another component n ember.js?

I am in a print-user component after I click edit button I am redirecting edit-user component. I have to send the data from print-user to edit-user. So I am calling the edit-user component-class function from print-user component-class. But it is showing the error


    <table class="styled-table">
            <tr><th>User Id</th>
        {{#each this.dummyresponse.Users_data as |user|}}
                    <LinkTo @route="edit-user" ><button {{on "click" (fn edituser user.id user.firstname user.lastname user.mailid )}} >Edit</button>r</LinkTo></td>


import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import {action} from "@ember/object";
import {tracked} from "@glimmer/tracking";
import EditUserComponent from './edit-user';
export default class PrintUserComponent extends Component {
    @tracked dummyresponse="";
    async printuser (){
        let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/SearchServlet",
        {   method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "type": "",
                "searchtext": ""
        this.dummyresponse=await response.json();
    edituser (id,firstname,lastname,mailid){
        alert("print-user.js entered");
        alert("print-user.js after method call entered");


import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class EditUserComponent extends Component {

    async edituser (id,firstname,lastname,mailid){
        alert("edit-user.js entered");
        let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/UserManagementServlet",
        {   method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "type": "edit",
                "id": id,


import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class EditUserComponent extends Component {

    async edituser (id,firstname,lastname,mailid){
        alert("edit-user.js entered");
        let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/UserManagementServlet",
        {   method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "type": "edit",
                "id": id,
Uncaught TypeError: _editUser.default.edituser is not a function
    at Proxy.edituser (print-user.js:88)
    at Proxy.<anonymous> (runtime.js:7105)

You are trying to use edituser method of EditUserComponent as a static method in edituser method of PrintUserComponent . Simplified your code looks like this:

import EditUserComponent from './edit-user';

You aren't calling edituser method on an instance of the class but on the class itself. Maybe you are looking for a good old utility function instead?

// app/utils/edituser.js

async function edituser (id,firstname,lastname,mailid){
    alert("edit-user.js entered");
    let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/UserManagementServlet",
    {   method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({
            "type": "edit",
            "id": id,

export default edituser;

That utility function could be used like this:

import edituser from '../utils/edituser';

Components should only be invoked in templates. So they are for sure not what you want.

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