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How can I add chr() to a regex pattern in python?

I want to replace the '-' in the regex pattern with chr(45) and '–' with chr(8211) .

I am trying to use the below code. Can you please help?

text = 'part number-–'

regex_str2 = r'(?i)(?<!\S)(part number|partno|part.no|part no|pn. nov|p\.no|pno|p/no|p/n|p / n|part|mpn|pn|pt)(\s)*[-–\.\*#:=\s]{1,}'
sub_ret = re.subn(regex_str2, 'PartNoId ', text)

I want to replace the '-' in the regex pattern with chr(45) and '–' with chr(8211) .

I am trying to use the below code. Can you please help?

text = 'part number-–'

regex_str2 = r'(?i)(?<!\S)(part number|partno|part.no|part no|pn. nov|p\.no|pno|p/no|p/n|p / n|part|mpn|pn|pt)(\s)*[-–\.\*#:=\s]{1,}'
sub_ret = re.subn(regex_str2, 'PartNoId ', text)

I want to replace the '-' in the regex pattern with chr(45) and '–' with chr(8211) .

I am trying to use the below code. Can you please help?

text = 'part number-–'

regex_str2 = r'(?i)(?<!\S)(part number|partno|part.no|part no|pn. nov|p\.no|pno|p/no|p/n|p / n|part|mpn|pn|pt)(\s)*[-–\.\*#:=\s]{1,}'
sub_ret = re.subn(regex_str2, 'PartNoId ', text)

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