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API REST with Grails 2.5.6: How to config URIs without UrlMapping? As a notation on the method?

I have a Rest API with Grail 2.5.6 and I am implementing some improvements and best practices. In this case I need to implement the rule:

  • Use kebab-case for URLs
  • Bad: /systemOrders o /system_orders
  • Good: /system-orders

I know that I can configure the UrlMapping file for each method and I solve it. But I understand that there should be some notation on the method that allows me to conigure was URI.

In the grails 4.0 documentation I see the following example:

SearchResult search(String term)

For Grail 2.5.6 is there an alternative similar to @Get ?

Finally with trial and error, I found the solution. I leave you the example of how it was and how the controller turned out.


 class LoginController {
 static allowedMethods = [userInfo: 'GET']
   def userInfo() {}



 class LoginController {
 static allowedMethods = ['user-info': 'GET']
   def "user-info"() {} // <-- here is the change


By defining the method name in quotation marks I could implement kebab-case .

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