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create new dictionary from mapping list into dictionary

I want to create new dictionary by mapping list into dictionary, so the list item will be the key and the dictionary will be the value.

Students List:



{Math:90, CS:94, Since:89}

the expected result is one dictionary:



I tray this:

new_dic = dic(zip(students,dic1)

output: { Student1:Math, Student2:CS, Student3:Since }

but it give me unexpected result. also I try the solution here and it didn't works for me.

Use zip along with some modification to reproduce the inner dict structure

names = ["Student1", "Student2", "Student3"]
values = {"Math": 90, "CS": 94, "Since": 89}
result = {name: {course: val} for name, (course, val) in zip(names, values.items())}

Alternatively, you could use:

a = ['student1','student2','student3']
b = { "Math":90 , "CS":94, "Since":89 }
c = {k1: {k2: v}  for (k1,k2,v) in zip(a, b.keys(), b.values())}

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