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Problem with sorting elements Selenium webdriver java

I have a problem with sorting web elements, sorted elements from the website are in a different order than elements from my sorted-list.

Result: My sorted String list:

[0 0, 1 1, A A, A A, A A, AAAA, AAAA, Cascasc Aaaaa, Jan Jankowski, Jan Janowski, Jan Kon, Jan kowalski, pp]

String List from website:

[0 0, 1 1, A A, A A, A A, AAAA, AAAA, Cascasc Aaaaa, Jan Jankowski, Jan Janowski, Jan kowalski, Jan Kon, pp]

difernt order: Jan Kon, Jan kowalski

My sorted String list:

[0 0, 464 464, A A, A A, a a, a a, a a, a b, a s, aa a, abv sada, ala Janka, ala ola, anna, anna, anna, bankowa]

List from website:

[0 0, 464 464, a a, a a, a a, a b, a s, aa a, abv sada, ala Janka, ala ola, anna, anna, anna, bankowa, A A, A A]

difernt order: AA, AA


getObtainedList(String css){
    ArrayList<String> obtainedList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    List<WebElement> elementList= driver.findElements(By.CssSelector(css));
     for(webElement we:elementList){
    getSortedList(List list){
    ArrayList<String> sortedList = new ArrayList<>();   
     for(String s:list){

    List<String> obtainedList = getObtainedList(cssSelector);
    List<String> sortedList = getSortedList(obtainedList);
    Assert.assertEquals(sortedList, obtainedList)

Please try the below code:

ArrayList<String> obtainedList = new ArrayList<>(); 
// Get all options
List<WebElement> elementList= driver.findElements(By.CssSelector(css));

// Creating a list to store drop down options
List options = new ArrayList();

for(WebElement optionElement : elementList)

System.out.println("Options in dropdown with Default order :"+obtainedList);

// Creating a temp list to sort
List tempList = new ArrayList(obtainedList);


System.out.println("Sorted List "+ tempList);

boolean ifSortedAscending = obtainedList.equals(tempList);

    System.out.println("List is sorted");
    System.out.println("List is not sorted.");

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