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Using Entity Framework queries to get all entries on a table related to other 2 tables

Consider this model . Basically what I'm trying to do is obtaining every door in the table 'doors' such that there exists a corresponding entry in the table 'doors_to_devices' with a given device_id.

Here's what I've been trying

public async Task<ServiceResponse<AuthorizedDoorsDto>> Authenticate(string username, string password)
    // Irrelevant code
    var device = await dataContext.Devices
                           .Include(d => d.DoorsToDevices)
                           .FirstOrDefaultAsync(d => d.Username == username && d.Password == password);

    var doors = await dataContext.Doors
                         .Where(d => d.DoorsToDevices.ToList().ForEach(dtd => dtd.DeviceId.Equals(device.Id)));
    // More irrelevant code

But this obviously doesn't work...

I've actually got it to work some other way, in a previous version of the code (slightly different in purpose), but it seems so convoluted, I was hoping there was a simpler way. Here's how I got it to work:

private async Task<List<DoorDto>> GetDeviceDoors(Device device)
    var doorsToDevice = device.DoorsToDevices.ToList();

    List<Guid> doorsIds = new List<Guid>();

    doorsToDevice.ForEach(dtd => doorsIds.Add(dtd.DoorId));

    var doors = await _dataContext.Doors
                                  .Where(d => doorsIds.Contains(d.Id))
    var doorDtos = new List<DoorDto>();

    foreach (var door in doors)

    return doorDtos;

public async Task<ServiceResponse<AuthenticateDto>> Authenticate(string username, string password, Guid id)
    // Irrelevant code
    var device = await _dataContext.Devices
                            .Include(d => d.DoorsToDevices)
                            .FirstOrDefaultAsync(d => d.Id == id);
    var doors = GetDeviceDoors(device).Result;

    // More irrelevant code

Instead of collecting keys from one table, to include in the where clause of another table. Why not just join through directly in your query, via navigation properties;

var doors = await dataContext.Doors
    .Where(d => d.DoorsToDevices
        .Any(dtd => dtd.Device.UserName == username
            && dtd.Device.Password == password)

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