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Making Sonatype Nexus Repository publically accessible to be able to download artifacts with URL like maven central

I am trying to make nexus repository public so that another application can use it or download it without any authentication ( with just provided URL ) just like maven central. Is there any way to do that?

eg I am trying to use this url to download akashh-1-javadoc.jar but it shows me login box first to download this artifact. http://localhost:8081/repository/temp/com/akashh/1/akashh-1-javadoc.jar


Is there any way to make nexus repository public without any username or password?

If you enable Read access for the anonymous user, this should be possible. To do so, go to Security -> Users, select "anonymous", and check that the user has the role "Repo: All repositories (read)" in the Role management box.

See the following picture how it should look like:


If you only want to have anonymous read permissions for a specific repository, you need to create a role for that specific permission and assign that role to the anonymous user.

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