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This my button and function for it. My question is, after click that button.. how to make it disable for 30 mins?

Down there is my button n function for that button in php, how to add disable button for 30 mins after clicking on it? I need help for it because im still newbie on php coding..

<button class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 200px; outline: none;" id="testar" onclick="enviar()">START</button>

This my function:

      <script title="ajax do checker">
        function enviar() {
            var linha = $("#lista").val();
            var linhaenviar = linha.split("\n");
            var total = linhaenviar.length;
            var ap = 0;
            var ed = 0;
            var rp = 0;
            linhaenviar.forEach(function(value, index) {
                      function() {
                                var sec = $("#sec").val();
                            url: 'g3api.php?lista=' + value,
                            type: 'GET',
                            async: true,
                            success: function(resultado) {
                                if (resultado.match("Approved")) {
                                    aprovadas(resultado + "");
                                }else if(resultado.match("CCN")) {
                                    edrovadas(resultado + "");
                                }else {
                                    reprovadas(resultado + "");
                                var fila = parseInt(ap) + parseInt(ed) + parseInt(rp);
                    }, 5000 * index);
        function aprovadas(str) {
            $(".aprovadas").append(str + "<br>");
        function reprovadas(str) {
            $(".reprovadas").append(str + "<br>");
        function edrovadas(str) {
            $(".edrovadas").append(str + "<br>");
        function removelinha() {
            var lines = $("#lista").val().split('\n');
            lines.splice(0, 1);
        function iloveyou(){

My question is: How to make the button disabled for 30 minutes after it's clicked?

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if (localStorage.getItem('clicked') === 'true') return;
    localStorage.setItem('clicked', 'true');
    button.disabled = true;

    setTimeout(() => {
        button.disabled = false;
    }, 60000 * 10);

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