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Android Studio 4.2 doesn't show signing report in the Gradle bar

I'm starting a new project using Firebase and I have to get an SHA1 key from my project. Recently I've updated Android Studio to version 4.2 and the signing report tab disappeared from the Gradle bar.

Follow the image:


How can I get SHA1 easily in android studio 4.2?

  1. Click on right hand side gradle icon


  1. Type gradle signingReport in the terminal


then you get the desired SHA fingerprint.

in terminal type

gradle signingReport

and must pres





Unchecked the ' Do not build gradle task list during gradle sync ' and click 'OK'.


Now press the gradle button again and you will see the options


Now press signing report to get SHA1

I struggled with this too. The latest update (Currently: Android Studio 4.2.1) didn't have the Tasks options under Gradle > app

Instead, go to the terminal and type gradlew signingReport

Step 1: open setting click on the "Experimental" option
step 2: uncheck---> "do not build Gradle task list during Gradle sync"
step 3: sync your project again
now u can see the signing report in the Gradle tab

One of the ways to get SHA1 key is using Terminal:

  • Open Terminal in android studio, type ./gradlew signingReport and press Enter.


First you are getting like this screen: 在此处输入图像描述

Now you have go to Settings > Experimental > And uncheck > Do not build gradle task list during gradle sync. 在此处输入图像描述

Then you have sync project must and then it will shows you sigin report在此处输入图像描述

Go to terminal and type command 'gradle signingReport' and press CTRL and then only ENTER

Don't go to gradle present in right-side corner.

simply type gradlew signingReport in your terminal.

In the Android Studio 4.2.1v the command on console is: gradlew singinReport

The command above wasn't recognized in the newer version

You can also do that without Android Studio the manual way:


keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android


keytool -list -v -keystore {PATH_TO_RELEASE_KEYSTORE} -alias {RELEASE_KEYSTORE_ALIAS}

One new Android studio 4.2.1,

  1. Click on Gradle on the right most side of screen
  2. Click on Execute Gradle Task Button
  3. Type like this: your_app_name [signingReport]

Type like this


If the above gradle bar search wasn't working for you, You and I on the same page. The correct answer for those who are struggling with gradle search. Goto to Android Terminal [left-bottom side], in terminal type this command "gradlew signingReport". Be sure you are putting "w" in the suffix. I hope this will be helpful for all future developers. Thankyou!!

Very Simple. ... go to your Buil.gradle (Project:<app_name>)... Remove the Maven() line... It is deprecated and is preventing the signingReport from showing. Then Sync/Rebuild.

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