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Excel VBA: string comparison does not work

I am trying to compare an activeSheet code name with simple string, but the result is always true. I debbuged that and the variables values are different.

Sub Button_Supprimer()
Dim a, b As String
a = CStr(ActiveSheet.CodeName)
b = "Sheet1"

If (a = b) Then:
    frmSupprimer.Caption = "Supprimer un matériel"
    'frmSupprimer.UserForm_Initialize ("Matériel")
End Sub


The result isn't always true, it's just that no statement in your code is actually conditional.

The existence of the : instructions separator token should generally be forgotten and left for golfed-up minimized fire-and-forget code that you would run from the immediate pane (Ctrl+G).

By terminating If {condition} Then with a colon, you have made the conditional expression be just an empty instruction.

Without it, the code stops compiling and you get a "If block without End If" compile error.

The correct syntax for a conditional block of code is as follows:

If {condition} Then
    {conditional statements}
End If

Note that the End instruction is essentially a nuclear option for terminating the execution of the program; globals get reset to their default values, the execution context is terminated: rule of thumb, you want to let execution reach the End Sub statement and let the VBA runtime unwind its call stack normally: the End instruction stops everything dead in its tracks right there & then - and it's very, very rare that you actually need to do this.

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